Monthly Archives: October 2015

Christmas Float Plans & Work Schedule

So basically we are planning to get together on Wednesdays and Sundays barring rain.  Come when you can for as long as you can on any of the following days.  In keeping with tradition, you are welcome to bring some food or beverage to share (or consume yourself…whatever works)  Jean Jensen (607-759-7159)  will be the point person.   We will meet on Sundays and Wednesdays starting around 12:30 at “Stonesend” 9701 Ashley Place. All help is welcome!

Wed 10/28
Sun 11/1
Wed 11/4
Sun 11/8
Wed 11/11
Sun 11/15
Wed 11/18
Sat 11/21
Sun 11/22
Fri 11/27
PARADE 11/28

Supplies needed (subject to change, check to see if plans still require) – talk to people to help us get what we need donated and then we will hopefully have to purchase very little

* Paint:  red, green, white, primer, browns, black, blue
* buckets of sand (should not be a problem…don’t need till last minute)
*  2-4 low beach chairs
*  pool noodles
*  garland
*  green & white balloons
* cardboard coffee jackets
*  styrofoam and wire (for grass)

1 week before

* cedar/pine boughs (fresh)
* tall grasses

for Puppets

*tall poles
* flour
*carpenter belts
* old sheets  (need to talk colors from mask info)
*dye & spray bottles
*newspaper & paper bags (final brown layer)

Parrot Head Float Meeting

The Emerald Isle Christmas Parade is coming up soon, and we need to move full steam ahead with our float planning and construction!

IMG_4771The group that met  last week got the creative juices flowing and the next meeting is on Wed October 21st at 6:30 at Ken and Sue’s (Stonesend) 9701 Ashley Place, EI.   Plans for the float design will be finalized, list of materials needed established and a schedule of work days will be set up.

1535007_577283289085065_6498933160331370683_nThe first work day will be Sunday, October 25th 12:30 , at Stonesend and we encourage anyone to participate for as many or few days as you can spare. It is truly a team building activity.  We ask folks to bring a bit of food to share and your beverage of choice.  Meet your fellow Parrot Heads and enjoy a good laugh and get your creative side in play.  No experience necessary…..there is always enough to do.

Fashion Show & Luncheon for a great cause

November 22 – Carteret County Domestic Violence Program Fashion Show and Luncheon 12:30 – 3:30 – Crystal Coast Civic Center – This annual event has some new and exciting things happening. Local businesses will display their wares to allow for lots of fun and a bit of Christmas shopping too! Join us for a great raffle and silent auction with some tempting items for you and your family to enjoy. Food will be provided by Floyd’s and of course a beautiful fashion show. Tickets are $35 for adults and children $15. Tickets may be purchased at Caroline Collectables, on-line, or by calling 252-726-2336 (Theresa) or 252-240-9026 (Glenda)

Phall Phestival with Apple Butter & Divas Run for the Roses

Here is all your information for the Phall Phestival extravaganza!!

October 16th   – starting at 5 pm, Apple Peeling Party – we will be peeling apples from 5 till whenever at Flipperz while we enjoy the entertaining sounds of Wild Honey.  The more volunteers we have the easier it will be to get all the apples peeled and ready for Saturday morning.

October 17th   – starting at 6 am, Apple Butter Extrravaganza   – we will be making apple butter at Flipperz before, during, and after the Diva’s Run for the Roses.   We need help all day with stirring and later jarring the apple butter. Contact Renee Synan ( or 919-697-3799) or Jack Synan ( or 919-697-3794).  Jars will sell for $8 each and all proceeds go to Fishin’ for a Cure.


October 17th – 9-11:30 am Divas Run for the Roses (Breast Cancer – Fishin’ For A Cure – Fundraiser) Tu-tus for Ta Tas and Apple Butter Making & Sale. Coordinators: Renee Synan, Jack Synan, Jessie Holland, Jan Hicks.   Divas 1K Walk ($10 registration; children welcome) from Flipperz to the Emerald Club & back in the AM, apple butter making & partying all day with sale at the end of the day. Prizes for various categories of pink themed costumes.   Last year was our first year and we raised $1700 for Breast Cancer Research.   Registration is the day of, and is $10 per person and is open 9-9:45 with the “race” starting at 10. You will get a race packet, token rose and victory champagne toast.

October 17th – Late afternoon Finishing the Apple Butter and jarring time! (We need volunteers to be on hand to help with the jarring process for the Apple Butter.  Last year this was around 5-6 pm, so hang around and help out.  Then you can be one of the first to get your own jar(s) or Parrot Head Apple Butter!  Jars will sell for $8 each and all proceeds go to Fishin’ for a Cure.



Save bags to help with research!

We recently received the following email request; let’s see if we can help Caitlin (one of our newer members) out with some supplies.

Hi Sue,

Can you send out an email asking PH’s to save paper grocery bags for me? Any bag will help. We’ll be using them to store some vegetation samples from our marsh field work. As funding is practically non existent for sea level rise studies (shocking! I know…) any donations of bags will be helpful for one less thing to spend our grant money on.

Thank you!

Caitlin Lauback

You can bring the bags you save to any Parrot Head event, or contact us at if you have some bags for Caitlin.

Emerald Isle-NC Parrot Head Local Chapter


Christmas Parade Float meeting

Emerald Isle Christmas Parade Float Meeting at Sue and Ken ‘s house (StonesEnd) on October 14th at 6:30.  (9701 Ashley Place in EI)Parrotheads[1]This will be a planning meeting to solidify our ideas for this year’s float and take stock of what materials are available. Jeannine Patane will be heading up the project as Big Bird and herding all of us cats as the float takes shape.