The EI Christmas Parade is right around the corner and we have a lot of planning to do.

The parade is always held the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Since Erin and Kelley are busy launching their new art studio and traveling all over to craft fairs, they won’t be able to be our project directors this year (still hoping they will be our consultants…..). Jeannine Patane has stepped up and will be large and in charge but we need a lot of help. There will be a planning session in October (date to be determined) and we will have a sign up sheet available at the PHlocking. Once a core group decides this year’s theme (suggestions welcome and we will have an ideas sheet at the PHlocking this week) we will set up a work schedule. No qualifications necessary as we are a bit like organized chaos. We usually build it at Stone’s End (Ken and Sue Stone’s backyard) for about 6 weeks of a few weekend afternoons . You don’t have to be there every date, we get people who come and go who love to have fun, eat and drink, do a bit of painting and cutting of card board. If you haven’t joined us before, please consider it. A great way to get to know your fellow Parrot Heads (and we always seem to win cause it always turns out awesome) If you think you can help “lead” the group on some part of the float building, please email me at . We have a history of being one of the best floats and when we win (not if) we donate the prize money to a charity.